Not sure how to go forward with introducing your cats? This blog is just for you! Successfully introducing a new cat to your already established resident cat is hugely important, …

Introducing Cats!

How to Help Your Anxious Pet Through Thunderstorms
Thunderstorm season us upon us! And with that, comes storm anxiety for our pets. During each storm, my heart breaks thinking about what many pets and their guardians are going …

Trimming Your Dog’s Nails
Recently, my dog tore his nail on a hike, causing discomfort and the need for medical attention. It’s likely that one cause for this having happened, is the fact that …

Activity and Your Aging Pet
There are many guardians out there who may be going through a similar experience as myself, as my dog ages. My dog, Hazel, is an 12-year old lab mix. She …

Help Your Overweight Cat Lose Weight
So, you have an overweight cat? You are not alone! In fact – I, myself, have an overweight kitty that has been on a weight-loss plan, and I …

4 Ways to Prepare Your Pet for Winter
Depending on where you live, winter months can be a major adjustment in living (compared to spring, summer, and even fall). Think of all the ways that we, as people, …

Massaging Your Senior Pet
“How can I better care for my senior pet?” This is an EXCELLENT question that veterinary professionals hear time and time again. As a member of both the traditional and integrative …

Why are You Thankful for Your Pet – A Thanksgiving Special
Whether you have a big family or a small family … if you have a pet, they are a major part of it! So, we asked our followers why they …

Keeping Your Pet Safe on Halloween
Starting with a little Halloween Humor: Q: What is worst than raining black cats and bloodhounds? A: Hailing taxi cabs! Q: Why did the skeleton give a dog a bone? A: Because he had spare ribs. …

Caring for Your Pet: Before, During, and After a Natural Disaster
This blog is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, who lives in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, as well as any animal guardian who has/is/or will experience the stress and …