So you brought home a new puppy, did ya? Congratulations, let the fun begin! It’s probably hard to stop focusing on that cute face, puppy breath, wiggly body and wagging tail. Along …

5 Tips When Raising a Puppy

Your Pet’s Transition: An End of Life Discussion
“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.” – Sydney Jeanne Seward As animal lovers and guardians, we gain an understanding that our pet’s …

Laser Therapy for Your Pets!
The Healing Powers of Laser Therapy Peak Animal Wellness is happy to say that we offer cold laser therapy as a natural and alternative modality for pain management and …

Massage Therapy for Your Cat
Massage Therapy for Your Cat Utilizing All Tools. As veterinarians continue to advocate for their patients by better understanding and researching different means to combat chronic and acute pain in …

What Does it Mean to be Fear Free?
What does it mean to be a “Fear Free” veterinary practice, and will you seek one out for your pet? Everyone has felt this feeling before- the anxious and somewhat …

5 Tips For A Fun And Safe Summer With Your Pet!
Hi Friends! Warmer months are some of the most enjoyed months, welcomed by humans and pets alike. Most of us crave adventure and outdoor experience, and many of us bring our pets to …

Claire & Ansel Take on the Colorado Trail!
2016 presents many opportunities for the pack at Peak Animal Wellness and Massage. Let’s go ahead and start from the (almost) beginning. For many years now, I have envisioned myself enduring …

Meet P.A.W. Massage’s Newest Therapist, Marcy!
Hello, all! My name is Marcy Allard and I am the newest team member of Peak Animal Wellness and Massage. I thought I would take a couple of minutes …

Taking Care of Your Senior Dog.
AGE IS NOT A DISEASE. “Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.” – Sydney Jeanne Seward As my practice continues to grow, over 50% of …

Why Your Active Dog Needs a Massage!
DOGS ARE AMAZING! We ask so much out of our dogs, sometimes without even knowing it (myself included!). Our dogs will give and give and give – for the sake …